Guys. I really need your help here. So, I was banned from Drybones6402's discord server for posting "inappropriate" gifs and the gifs weren't even graphic, yet Dry felt "uncomfortable" with them and banned me without any warning. And to top it all off, He banned me just as I was typing out my argument. I absolutely hate everything right now. I thought everyone in that server was nice and friendly, but it turns out they're all a bunch of two-faced jerks that'll gang up on you as soon as you get comfortable with them. I feel gutted and betrayed by all of this and I don't think I can even move on now knowing that the people I once thought were my friends ended up betraying me just like other people, I thought were my "friends"
Thank you for sharing your cautionary tale.
But what do you need help with...?
I just want my story to be heard so that more people won't go through the same thing that I did